“Today, for every three children diagnosed with cancer, four survive. More research is needed to save more children, and research costs money! Give Hope is a new way for us to raise money for our life – saving work. The fundraising concept has many different components: products in stores, TV, and digital platforms. The Ida P Company helped us identify and integrate the components required to build a successful concept. We have done a great deal so far and are working on saving even more children!“
Olle Björk, Secretary General, The Swedish Childhood Cancer Foundation.
Client: The Swedish Childhood Cancer Foundation.
Concept name: Give Hope.
Pay – off: Ge bort något litet, starta något stort.
Alliances – partners: TV – Channel 5, Radio – Mix Megapol, Products – Bauhaus, Interflora, Ur & Penn, MQ, SkickaTårta.se, Babyshop.se, Cloetta, Unilever/GB Glace, Universal Music, Kuponginlösen, Mobilab and Runda upp.
Workgroup: The Swedish Childhood Cancer Foundation: Client. The Ida P Company: Main project leader and creator of the concept. Partners: Handling business in their own channels, such as shops and intranets. Identity Works: Brand platform, visual identity and parts of the web-idea. Companion & Adore You: Web and mobile production. Vasarusaru: Copywriter. Potemkin och Marshman Music: Movie and music production. Fabian Björnstierna: Photographer. Customers Only: Print production. IUM: Media intermediary. Top Visible: Search and Adword marketing. Publik: PR. K2 Analys: Analysis.
Statement of work
The first task for The Ida P Company was to project lead the process and identify which building blocks were needed and how they should be used to create a successful concept moving on different platforms. The concept should have a wide reach in Sweden, work long term, be scalable, and speak to the target audience, ”the modern human” (especially between the age of 20-45) which meant that social media was important. After the launch and when a couple of campaigns had been completed, The task was to further develop the concept and make sure that the production around Give Hope was working satisfactorily.
Campaign setup
The main idea was to build on the feeling of happiness you get when you receive a present and in that way also give to a good cause. When you give a Give Hope present to someone you also support The Swedish Childhood Cancer Foundation. ”With Give Hope you put a smile on your friends’ faces. Maybe a lovely playlist for your cousin laying at home with a cold? Or a cake to the friend who least expects it? Or why not a gift card to your dear father-in-law who already has everything? On givehope.se and in our partners shops you’ll find Give Hope labeled gifts for both young and old. With Give Hope we hope that the happiness will be just as contagious as a laugh; or a nice, big yawn from the man sitting across from you on the bus. When you give a Give Hope labeled gift you also bring hope to children fighting cancer.” To reach the quantitative goals, we put the Give Hope tag on existing products from partners and used existing sales platforms e.g. partner-stores. We also created a digital sales platform – givehope.se that was integrated with social media such as Facebook.
When someone bought a Give Hope gift we highlighted the individual engagement in real time through the following mechanics:
• Barometers, one for total sum
and one for each partner that
displayed the sum of the
collected funds.
• Widgets that display the
consumer buying the gift.
• Visualizations on both the
buyer’s and receiver’s Facebook
walls that show him or her
supporting the cause against
childhood cancer.
• Loyalty program, ”My Give
During the first year we launched three main campaigns for Give Hope. The campaigns included editorial TV and advertising between and before shows on Kanal 5, promotions on Facebook, banners, newsletters, AdWords, exposure in retail stores and supplements for the newspaper Dagens Industri.
Give Hope launched on the 21st Nov 2011, and on the 13th Feb 2014 Give Hope had succeeded in having:
• 13 partners (Universal Music,
Interflora, Bauhaus a.s.o.)
• 50 different variations/models of
Give Hope gifts on the market.
• 180 different purchasing
platforms (15 Bauhaus stores,
72 Interflora stores, 91 Ur &
Penn stores, 110 MQ stores,
and givehope.se).
• Collected almost 20 million SEK
for The Swedish Childhood
Cancer Foundation.
• Generated communication with
a wide reach in both social
media (virally) and traditional
media such as TV.