is the main company. This is where all the frameworks for concepts are created.

is the foundation and the business segment on which the concepts are built. The studios are to communicate meaningful messages to consumers through storytelling, for example interactive storytelling on social media, quality movies, music and stage plays. Different productions are released through the following affiliates.
IdaP Publishing Studios
Industry: Publishing
IdaP Publishing delivers books, comics, magazines and digital products, (e.g. eBooks and apps), that leverage content in innovative ways.
IdaP Film Studios
Industry: Live action and animated movies and series.
IdaP Studios explores new worlds through magical storytelling and creates live action films, television series and epic adventures.
IdaP Interactive Studios
Industry: Games and other interactive tools.
IdaP Interactive Studios delivers interactive storytelling, games and other digital tools (e.g. mobile, online virtual worlds and web destinations) or licensed games in the countries in which the concept has been launched.
IdaP Event Studios
Industry: Event.
IdaP Event Studios focuses on delivering legendary events in innovative ways, such as exhibitions, auctions, concerts, amusement parks and other spectacular events that create lasting memories.
IdaP Music Studios
Industry: Music
IdaP Music Studios is the home of the music produced for the cross-media concepts.
IdaP Knowledge & Inspiration Studios
Industry: Training and lectures
IdaP Knowledge Studios focuses on helping companies and individuals to upgrade and transform. The company delivers a range of programs and inspiring talks.